Ouvrages cités


Beals, K., Disordered eating among athletes: A comprehensive guide for health professionals.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2004.

Clark, Nancy. Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook. 4th Edition. Human Kinetics. 2008.

Mack, Heidi. Disordered Eating Prevention and Education Training Manual. www.heidimack.ca.1996.

O’Brien, Eileen. Starving to Win: Athletes and Eating Disorders. 1998.

Patel, D. R., D.E. Greydanus, H.D. Pratt, E.L. Phillips. “Eating disorders in adolescent athletes.” Journal of Adolescent Research (2003), 18(3), 280-296.

Shepphird, Sari Fine. “100 Questions about Anorexia Nervosa”. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2010.

Sherman, R. T., R.A. Thompson. “Athletes and disordered eating: 4 major issues for the professional psychologist.” Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (2001), 32(1), 27-33.

Stanley, Debbie. Understanding Sports and Eating Disorders. 2000.

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Thompson, Ron A. and Roberta Trattner Sherman. Helping Athletes with Eating Disorders.Champaign, IL  Human Kinetics. 1993.


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Silby, Caroline. Games Girls Play: Understanding and Guiding Young Female Athletes. St. Martin’s Press. 2000.


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Harvey, J. A., J.D. Robinson. “Eating disorders in men: Current considerations.” Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings (2003), 10(4), 297-306.

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Pope, Harrison G. Jr., Katharine A. Phillips, Roberto Olivardia. The Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession. Free Press. 2000.